Nominations for Governing Council 2019
Published on July 30, 2019
Written by BIPS

FULL MEMBERS and FELLOWS of the British Institute of Persian Studies are invited to nominate candidates to stand for election to its Governing Council. If you have yet to pay your subscription for 2019, you can do so online.

Ideally, nominees should have a connection with BIPS, and contribute actively to BIPS’ work. They should have relevant experience or expertise, for example as a charity trustee, legal or financial professional, experience of fundraising for academic projects, fieldwork in the Persianate world, academic administration or management in UK HE institutions, or the supervision of graduate students. Successful nominees will become trustees of the charity and directors of the limited company, and so should be ready to take on these responsibilities and must not be barred from such a role.

Council members must attend at least two of three annual Council meetings and take an active role in running the research and outreach activities of BIPS. Reasonable travel expenses within the UK can be paid to trustees, but there is no remuneration for the position.

As you will see from the 2019 Nomination form, if you wish to nominate a candidate, you will need to find another Full Member or Fellow to second your nomination. You will need to approach the candidate and ask them to provide a letter confirming they are willing and fit to stand. The candidate will also need to write 150 words or so explaining why they wish to be a trustee and what contribution they consider they will be able to make to the Governing Council of BIPS.

All completed nomination forms and related paperwork must be scanned and emailed to Professor Ali Ansari ( with a copy to the Executive Officer ( by 6.00PM (UK time) on FRIDAY 30 August 2019. We will not be able to consider incomplete or late nominations.

If you have any immediate queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Executive Officer in the first instance.

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