Governing Council, Committees & Staff

BIPS’s Governing Council oversees the Institute’s affairs and is responsible for delivering its mission.

Most Governing Council members, including all members of the Executive Committee, are elected by the fellow and ordinary members of BIPS and serve as trustees of the registered charity and directors of the limited company. They serve for three-year terms, with the possibility of re-election for a second consecutive term, after which they must retire for at least one year.

Other Governing Council members are co-opted to serve in recognition of their specific expertise, for example in business or financial matters, or sit on Council as Honorary Vice Presidents (an emeritus-type role awarded to former BIPS trustees in recognition of their expertise and knowledge of Persianate studies and BIPS’s history).

The scope of Governing Council’s responsibilities is significant. Specifically, the Council determines the general character of the Institute’s activities; approves the topics of any conferences organised by or in conjunction with the Institute; approves the academic and financial relationships with publishers of its publication series and journal; approves the conferment of all awards made, including Fellowships and Prizes; reviews and approves the services and benefits to be provided to Members and the level of subscription to be charged. The Council also establishes financial procedures to safeguard the assets of the Institute, which include approving the Annual Accounts for filing with the Charity Commission and for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. Furthermore, the Council appoints by consensus or majority vote the Chief Executive Officers of the Institute (President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer), the Chairs of the Council’s constituent Committees, and at its discretion, the Council undertakes other tasks that are consonant with the Institute’s aims and the Council’s legal and financial responsibilities.

Professor Ali Ansari FRAS FRSE

Professor Ali Ansari FRAS FRSE

BIPS President

Dr Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis

Dr Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis


Dr Sarah Stewart

Dr Sarah Stewart

Honorary Secretary

Mr Hossein Hamedani

Mr Hossein Hamedani

Honorary Treasurer

Dr Shabnam Holliday

Dr Shabnam Holliday

Research Director

Professor Andrew J. Newman

Professor Andrew J. Newman

Outreach Director

Dr Lindsay Allen

Dr Lindsay Allen

Dr Arezou Azad FRSH

Dr Arezou Azad FRSH

Dr Roham Alvandi FRHistS FRAS

Dr Roham Alvandi FRHistS FRAS

Dr Saeed Talajooy

Dr Saeed Talajooy

Mr David Gye

Mr David Gye

Dr Cameron Petrie

Dr Cameron Petrie

Professor Robert Hillenbrand FBA FRSE

Professor Robert Hillenbrand FBA FRSE

Honorary Vice President

Professor Paul Luft

Professor Paul Luft

Honorary Vice President

Dr Florian Schwarz

Dr Florian Schwarz

Co-Opted Member

UK Staff

Ms Silvia Ferreri – General Manager

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